
ICR’s Vision and Mission
A democratic society where museums are forums for human understanding, through responsible use of natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible.
ICR is an international committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) facilitating the development of regional museums for the benefit of their communities, through providing a forum for communication, co-operation and information exchange among museums, professionals and organisations.
Heritage: cultural and natural, is an asset for the understanding of man and society today. It belongs to humanity.
Museum: ICR adheres to ICOM´s definition of museums and the ICOM code of professional ethics and promotes the development of regional museums mainly through international and interdisciplinary activities and publications.
International Network: ICR believes in learning by sharing and in cross-border approaches (geographical, academic, professional, cultural, organizational) as preconditions for mutually beneficial exchanges of skills, experiences and ideas.